Team Policies


All swimmers are strongly encouraged to attend all practices. Swimmers having practice schedule conflicts (camp, summer school, etc.) should talk to the Head Coach or Team Manager. Swimmers must be punctual for their designated warm-up/practice times. Swimmers should allow time to adjust goggles, put on caps, etc. before the practice warm-ups. Swimmers are expected to always put forth their best effort at all practices and meets and to show respect to the coaches at all times. Coaches will ask disruptive swimmers to leave if necessary.

 If a swimmer will not be available for a meet, he/she should notify the Coach before the season begins or as soon as the family is aware that an absence will occur. The only exceptions for this deadline are injury. illness, or family emergencies.


All swimmers, parents and spectators are expected to adhere to all pool rules, and team and league rules.  Failure to adhere to these guidelines will result in the child not being allowed to participate.

Swimmers and families should conduct themselves at practices and meets so as to exhibit good discipline and sportsmanship toward all swimmers, coaches, and meet officials.

Foul, abusive or otherwise unseemly language will NOT be tolerated.

Swimmers should treat all adults with respect, especially Stroke Judges, Team Parents and Coaches, including Opposing Coaches and Team Parents.

McCullough Swim Team participants should not be a participant on any other team that is also a participant of the Just Swim Charlotte League. This is also a JSC policy.

Swimmers should stay with their team during the swim meets, This is also a JSC policy. A parent chaperone will be present at all times during each meet to assist swimmers as needed,

Note: Just Swim Charlotte will provide all Coaches/Volunteers/League personnel with a deck pass for swim meets Any adult without a deck pass is not permitted on the pool deck. Spectators will stay in designated seating areas.

Any swimmer not adhering to these guidelines, by the discretion of the Head Coaches, Meet Officials or the Board, may be suspended from practices, meets, social events, or dismissed from the team.


The coaches are primarily responsible for assisting swimmers to improve their strokes and times, and ensure a fair and fun season. The coaches will make every effort to provide "Coaches Corner" time, where parents and swimmers are free to ask questions and advise on anything related to swimming. Coaches should NOT be interrupted during practices, so they can devote their full time and attention to the needs of the team.

Coaches are selected by, and report to the MST Board. Coaches are required to complete a background check and complete a swim coach certification course prior to the start of the season. Any concerns or feedback related to the coaching staff should be directly communicated to the team manager.


For the 2025 swim season swimmers will be able to purchase a swim suit chosen for the team by the MST Board. The team swim suit is strongly encouraged, but not mandatory. Team suits are intended to be worn for swim meets. Swimmers may wear any suit to practice with the exception of two piece suits for girls. For boys, it may be beneficial for them to wear a jammer so that they can get used to the fit and feel.

 Goggles and caps are encouraged but not required.

*Two-piece swim suits are not allowed.


Parents are required to volunteer a minimum of two times during the 2024 swim season. Volunteer requirements can be met by volunteering on a committee, at a swim meet, pep rally or any other swim related event. Parents who volunteer on a committee will automatically fulfill all volunteer requirements for the season.

Failure to fulfill your required volunteer slots will result in swimmer's loss of participation for the 2024 Championship Meet.


Team Practices