Support the McCullough Manta Rays!

When you agree to donate, you are ensuring 100% of your tax-deductible donation is going to the team. In the 2023 season, donations and sponsorships helped us purchase lane lines, backstroke posts and flags, kickboards and a swim platform for our youngest swimmers. This year your donation will help provide the team with tents for meets, cover our non-profit legal fees, provide team insurance, league membership, and assistant coaching staff. Our team also has pep rallies on Fridays to celebrate our accomplishments and to motivate swimmers for the next swim meet. Your contribution also helps “fund the fun” at these pep rallies with pizza and ice cream sundaes!

Your tax-deductible donation helps us in more than just a monetary way. Supporting our team allows us to accomplish our mission. Our goal is to create an atmosphere that is super fun, but also one that inspires a strong work ethic, discipline, self-motivation and self-esteem. We are motivated to instill good health habits for our children by providing a physical and recreational outlet. We strive to develop team unity, sportsmanship, team spirit and pride. In addition, we hope to unify our community by creating an environment where neighbors can meet, share interests, and get to know each other. You can be a part of our mission by donating to the McCullough Swim Team today!

We use Zeffy as our primary platform for donations. Zeffy is the only fundraising platform for nonprofits that is 100% free. With Zeffy, we receive every dollar from our donors.

Interested in becoming a sponsor for our team? Send us a message at or click on the link below.