Team Practices

Swimmers are expected to participate in practices, but we understand that many kids will have conflicts with practices and meets due to camps and vacations. Please notify the Head Coach of any absences or conflicts so the coaches can prepare practice schedules and meet entries accordingly.

Swimmers should be suited up and ready to swim on time. It is distracting to the coach and other swimmers when someone arrives late. Furthermore, the swimmer may not receive the appropriate warm up to avoid injury.

Swimmers may wear any suit to practice with the exception of two piece suits for girls. For boys, it may be beneficial for them to wear a jammer so that they can get used to the fit and feel.

Parents are allowed to watch practices from the pool deck as long as their presence is not disruptive to the practice. We ask that parents refrain from discussing concerns with coaches or swimmers during practices.


A Mock Meet is generally held prior to the first league meet. All parents and swimmers should plan to attend so that they can familiarize themselves with the process of a meet.

Swimmers who are not able to participate in the practice meet will need to notify the coaches.


The coaches will provide special emphasis on stroke techniques, efficient turns, and work individually with swimmers who may have been DQ'd or experienced other problems during a previous meet. Start and Turn Clinics may be offered throughout the swim season at the discretion of the coaches.

Coaches are NOT responsible for teaching your children how to swim. The McCullough Swim Team may be able to make arrangements with outside sources to offer lessons for interested families.

Please see “Practice Info” on home page for practice dates and times.


Team Policies


Swim Meets