Volunteer Positions & Descriptions

This information aims to give brief descriptions of the various jobs that are required to execute a swim meet successfully. We expect that all parents show up on time for your respective shift. Please be sure to communicate any conflicts well ahead of time with the team manager. A Sign-Up Genius will be sent out for parents to volunteer. Parents should expect to volunteer a minimum of 2 times during the swim season.



All volunteers must check in at the starter desk during warmups at least 15 minutes before the meet starts.


We need parents to volunteer to bring tents to all meets, both home and away. These parents will be responsible for setup and breakdown of their tents.


These volunteers will need to have areas ready 20 minutes prior to the start of meet warm-ups. This includes: moving chairs, tables, assisting with team tent set-up, hanging sponsorship signage, setting out watches and clipboards for timers, setting out DQ slips and clipboards for judges, setting up coaches’ chairs, preparing the computer desk, etc.


To reduce the need for breakdown volunteers, please make sure that where your child sat is left tidy. We ask that you help out and pick up things that are trash even if they are not yours. There is a lot to be done at the end of a meet. Lane lines need be put away, tents need to be taken down, chairs and tables put away, etc. All parents and swimmers should ensure we leave the pool better than how we found it. This is necessary for both home and away meets.


Responsible for making sure swimmers are sitting together in their respective age group. The Team Parent/Chaperone will sit with the assigned age group and get them to the Clerk of Course before their race.


The Clerk of Course checks each swimmer for each event and gets them in the correct order and correct lane according to the heat sheet. Note: The heat sheets are papers that tell what swimmer is in what lane and what stroke they are swimming. We need a Clerk of Course for each meet. This is also the designated area where swimmers go to be pre-staged for the upcoming events; swimmers are usually placed on benches in the order they will swim.


Helps keep the order at the Clerk of Course, helps line -up swimmers in the correct heat and lane for each event and walks each heat from the Clerk of Course to the starting blocks.


This is the person who will run the meet. They announce when the swimmers need to step up to the block. They also announce which events should report to the Clerk of Course. The Starter checks with the head timer to make sure that the timers are ready. The Starter will then start each race with a blow horn. This job is important because it sets the pace for the meet.


The home team is responsible for having a head timer. The head timer has extra stopwatches and a paddle. They start two extra stopwatches for each race in backup capacity, in case a timer’s watch doesn’t start, and gets a replacement watch to that timer before the swimmer finishes. They are in charge of the timers and telling the Starter when it is ok to go.


Responsible for capturing and recording times for each race using stopwatches provided by the home team. There are three timers per lane (two home, one away). We like to have enough volunteers so that timers work for only half of a meet. The times they capture are recorded on time sheets. A Runner will come by each lane to pick up the time sheet and take it to the scorekeepers table. Timing is a spot that most people like and feel comfortable in and it’s front row seat to the races!


The tattoo applier will hand out heat winner tattoos for each boy and each girl that win their heat. Typically, there will be volunteers from other teams and the roles can be divided so that heat winners are not missed.


Judges make sure that swimmers are swimming the strokes correctly during the meet. It is not necessary to have a swimming background, but it helps. CLICK HERE FOR DQ REPORT.


Swim Meets


The Sharpie Process